Life-Changing little Actions

Safi Akhtar
4 min readDec 4, 2020


Tiny Actions which can Change Your Life:

There are so many varied things that can play their parts to affect our whole atmosphere and mood. These things make us feel good with ourselves and our lives, however, there are still so many things that we can control and influence in the best possible way. So, we intend to talk about some tiny actions you can start acting upon to make yourself feel better sense about yourself and your life

Say Good Wishes to People:

There is a reason you feel better when you compliment someone else. By making someone else happier, it will reflect back onto you. What we mean by that is when you are kind towards people, it will make you feel better as a result. In fact, positive reinforcement works on others while also working on yourself. In short, when you’re nice to others, you’ll feel much better about yourself.

Some Self-Care is a Must:

We often and easily get held up in our routine works and fail to have some essential care of ourselves. To confirm that you really can have some time for yourself, programme it into your day just as you make the same for any other assignment. Whether it’s a short stroll in the front of house or office or to sit down for drawing a little, do something that will make you feel good and in comfort. You can even read a short kids poem or search for news on TV. It should be something to help your brain to come to state calmness and perfect peace of mind.

Must Spare some Time for Your Dear Ones:

Again, life can be too busy to enjoy and it can also be too much tense at some times, and you may become so busy that you may not talk to your family and close friends. We want to tell you that you should put some time aside to make sure to talk to your beloved love. It may help your mind feel more loved and in a more comfortable and calmer state. It does not seem like the condition, but it will serve a huge purpose at the time.

Be Positive:

We know those difficult events occur occasionally, and it’s easier to confirm things in a very negative manner. However, putting an attempt into finding the positive things in life can really build a great meaning of life easier for you. Of course, with persistent follow-up, you’ll make a comeback at it. Begin with the thought of three things that you’re glad on each day and physical exertion to five things. This may shift the method you think and understand things with. In addition, you completely think that of life, the higher it’ll feel overall. Don’t get too held by things to be glad for — they’ll be something from having the time to observe a funny show to be able to breathe. We actually have the most to be glad for!

Be Beneficial:

It is no use spending lot of time on social media. Do take the time to be more beneficial permanently. This will make you feel better overall as a result of less exposure to social media. You’ll be able to have several chances to get closer to your personal goals.

Search for a Mean of Calming your Mind:

We all require some relaxation and peace of mind at some time. It’s an essential part of life. So adopt an activity, you enjoy the most. It helps you to have satisfaction and content of heart. It may be singing or listening to music.


Stretching Exercises and Meditation:

In addition to exercising regularly, you should do stretching as it is very important. Meditation is also a well-tested activity you should try out to gain peace of mind and tranquillity. Yoga is also exercised for achieving body and mind harmonization.

Take Care of the Health of Your Skin:

This is not necessary to say, however, everybody must be cautious of the health of their skin. After all, it’s the largest organ of our body. Having a skin-care routine can make sure you begin and end your day in the best manner. However, you oughtn’t to go overboard and obtain too several merchandises — stick with what’s right for you and your skin. If needed, head to your skin doctor to work out what’s best for you.


This is a reality that smiling improves your mood. There is no need to test this truth. The muscles in your face you utilize to smile, actually send signals to the brain to produce further of a feel-good chemical, which is able to actually make you feel higher and satisfied. It seriously works — You may try it.

Drink a Lot of Water:

You should drink enough water. If you become a bit little bit of dehydrated, it’ll have havoc on your health. You’ll feel acutely tired, irritable, ill-tempered, and sick. Besides, drinking a lot of water can do a lot of favourable things in your body –It can facilitate your skin keep healthy, your hair becomes shiny, your weight inside healthy limits, then far more.



Safi Akhtar
Safi Akhtar

Written by Safi Akhtar

Safi Akhtar Mangi @safi4pk, Former Principal HCK, Senior Faculty English literature, Critical thinking, Social Media: FB & Twitter

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